Jeff Moore, Preaching
Mark 13:1-8
The disciples were impressed with the temple – its size and reputation. Jesus let them know that God’s purposes would be worked out in a world where this impressive structure no longer existed. He told them that they would experience persecution and suffering. He calls these “birth pangs.” This seems to indicate not only the end of something, but a transition to a hoped-for beginning. In order for newness and transformation to occur, there must be real, often painful, transformation. The Good News is that God wills the birth of a new way of life for us. God intends a new order of relationships and existence. This has always required the faithful to move through painful periods of letting go of their presumptions and trusting God even in the midst of pain and confusion. Birth pangs are necessary. They’re inevitable. Structures will be undone. This is the beginning of the new day to come…