Located at the corner of Waymire and Cornell, Webster-Rock Hill Ministries is a cooperative effort of member churches to fulfill their commission to serve people in need in our community. Its mission is to assist the elderly and those who are unemployed or in financial difficulty. It received and distributes donations from many churches and organizations in the area.
Webster Rock Hill Ministries, 111 Waymire, St. Louis, MO 63119
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 9AM – 12PM
What Can I Do?
1. PRAY for all those in our community who are in struggling to provide basic necessities for their families.
2. VOLUNTEER: Contact the WRHM by phone or email to find learn about volunteer opportunities.
3. DONATE: Cash or Check: Make checks payable to WGCC and write “WRHM” in the memo line. Food, Hygiene Items, Paper goods directly to Webster Rock Hill Ministries