110 of 32 items

Praising God for What We Have Seen (12/28/14)


Luke 2:15-20 QUIET CHRISTMAS How will our lives be changed this year by the things we have proclaimed? Will we, like the shepherds, praise God for what we have seen?  How will we share this with others as we serve St. Louis and the world?

The ‘Spirit’ of the Season (12/14/14)


Isaiah 61:1-4; 8-11 Just look what happens when someone is Spirit-filled!  We are called to recognize and receive God’s compassionate spirit in our lives.  There are many messages this season about what the “Christmas spirit” is (hint: It’s often yours for only 3 easy payments of $29.95, or on an attractive no money down 2 […]

Hide & Seek (11/30/14)


Isaiah 64:1-9 When we think God is absent, maybe we’re not looking and listening.  It’s impossible, and I think dangerous, to read this passage without reading the following chapter.  God is looking, calling, longing for us.  Let’s get together!

Learning from Your Lord (11/16/14)


Matthew 25:14-30 Often called the “Parable of the Talents,” this parable of Jesus is a parable of Lordship.  The story tells us that we gain favor with the “Lords” in our lives to the extent that we understand what is important to them and learn to honor and value the things they honor and value.  […]

Telling God’s Wonders to All Generations (11/9/14)


Psalm 78:1-7 This lengthy Psalm retells the story of God’s deliverance of the people of Israel.  It begins with the joy, importance, and responsibility of telling this story to everyone – generation to generation.  How are we living and telling the story of the wonders of God?  How can we more faithfully reach out to […]

Practicing What We Teach (11/2/14)


Matthew 23:1-12 The overwhelming majority of Americans who don’t attend church say it’s because Christians are hypocrites.  What would it mean for us to take this passage seriously and to live in the love we say we have received?  How can we actively and invitingly share that with others?

Have You MET My Neighbor?! (10/26/14)


Matthew 22:34-46 Love of neighbor is easy to say and hard to do – yet it is an integral part of the Greatest Commandment.  Jesus tells us that if we get this commandment right, all the others fall into place.  We often do it backwards, thinking “if only I can get my neighbor to agree […]