Table Talks tagged with ‘2013’

110 of 14 items

Patience: Worth Waiting For (12/15/13)


Isaiah 35:1-10 Some things in life are worth waiting for, and some, it seems, are not. What are we waiting for this Advent? What vision of God’s presence do we proclaim? Have you had experiences of disappointment because when an occasion has finally arrived it hasn’t measured up to your expectations? How might we live […]

Patience: Patience & Preparation (12/8/13)


Isaiah 11:1-10 Waiting can be frustrating and can require a great deal of patience. It can also be exhilarating to anticipate an event. An important part of “getting ready” is knowing who or what it is for which we are waiting, and preparing ourselves. How do we prepare for the coming of Christ? What rituals, […]

Patience: Waiting for the Days to Come (12/1/13)


Isaiah 2:1-5 Isaiah offers a vision of the world as it should be – as it might be. His vision is one of justice and peace. During this Advent season we dream with Isaiah and others, hoping that we will participate more fully in the realization of these dreams. The coming of Christ is an […]

Peace: Thanksgiving & Peace (11/24/13)


Philippians 4:6,7 Which is the cart and which is the horse? We have learned that just as much (or more!) as peace brings gratitude, gratitude brings peace. When we are thankful for life, love, one another, and the world, we become people who exude peace. How might our rituals of giving thanks move beyond our […]

Peace: The Blessing That Is Peace (11/17/13)


Numbers 6:22-27 Aaron is given a specific blessing with which to bless the nation. It is a call for God’s presence and care, and it involves words of grace and peace. This blessing portrays God’s fundamental character of compassion and helps us to focus on the kind of life we long for as people of […]

Peace: Aiming for Restoration (11/10/13)


2 Corinthians 13:11-14 Paul calls the Corinthians, and us, to live lives of discipleship – lives of compassion through which we share in relationships of care. What does it mean (as the English Standard Version translates Paul’s words) to “aim for restoration”? Our Disciples tradition arises out of the 18th-19th century “restoration” movement. Can we […]

Peace: Passing the Peace (11/3/13)


Isaiah 1:10-18 The prophets – those who spoke “The Word of the Lord” – often chastened the people of Israel for their personal and systemic failures to care for the most vulnerable in their society. True peace, the prophets remind us, can only come when love and resources are shared so that all people can […]

Joy: Joy to the World! (10/27/13)


Psalm 65 The Psalmist proclaims that the whole creation rejoices and celebrates God. How do we add our voices to the chorus? What would it mean to live joyfully and thankfully in concert with the hills, the rocks, the trees, the animals, and other people? One important aspect of a life of discipleship is seeing […]