Table Talks by Rev. Dr. Jeff Moore

110 of 223 items

12-29-19 God’s Presence Saves


12-29-19 Isaiah 63:7-9 “God’s Presence Saves” What has God done for us and for the whole world?  Isaiah announces that God’s presence has brought salvation, pity, redemption, mercy, and steadfast love.  God lifted and carried Israel, and lifts and carries us.  Let’s share in the presence of God by receiving and offering this saving love […]

12-22-19 A Dream and A Birth


12-22-19 Matthew 1:18-25 “A Dream and A Birth” Sometimes it’s really hard to know what to make of things.  Take Joseph – he’s engaged to Mary and she’s pregnant, before they’ve lived together – and he wants to do the right thing.  I wonder if he had sleepless nights wondering what to do.  I wonder […]

12-15-19 Rejoicing on the Way


12-15-19 Isaiah 35:1-10 “Rejoicing on the Way” Isaiah paints a picture of a joyful journey and a grateful celebration along the “Holy Way” of God.  What does it take for our journeys and celebrations to truly be joyful and grateful?  Frankly, we talk and plan and decorate and hope, and often end up disappointed, confused, […]

12-8-19 Justice Leads to Peace


12-8-19 Isaiah 11:1-10 “Justice Leads to Peace” One is coming, writes Isaiah, “a shoot…from the branch of Jesse,” upon whom the spirit of the Lord shall rest.  We will know that one through justice and righteousness exercised for the poor and meek, and by a powerful word and abiding faithfulness.  And there shall be a […]

12-1-19 Walking in the Light of the Lord


12-1-19 Isaiah 2:1-5 “Walking in the Light of the Lord” As we begin our Advent journey we remember and repeat our fervent vision: a vision centered on God’s reign and God’s house; a vision including all nations; a vision in which we are taught and walk in the ways of God; a vision of justice […]

11-24-19 God Reconciled with All things


11-24-19 Colossians 1:9-23 “God Reconciled with All Things” Colossians makes some grand claims about God and Christ.  Can we believe them?  What will our lives look like of we do?  Christ is the image of the invisible God.  In him God created all things.  He is the head of the church.  Through Christ God reconciled […]

11-17-19 An Opportunity to Testify


11-17-19 Luke 21:5-19 “An Opportunity to Testify” “Adversity does not build character, it reveals it,” is sometimes attributed to Vince Lombardi.  Perhaps we can imagine young men showing their character in the mud and struggle of a mid-twentieth century football field, but what does it mean for our character and faithfulness to be tested and […]

11-10-19 Take Courage, for I Am with You


11-10-19 Haggai 1:15b-2:9 “Take Courage for I Am with You” Set during the aftermath of exile, and the beginning of the rebuilding of the temple, Haggai recounts the questions and difficulties of looking to the future while remembering the glory of the past even as the present situation seems fraught with difficulty and devoid of […]

11-3-19 Call and Response


11-3-19 Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 “Call and Response” Habakkuk begins with a cry for aid, a cry for true justice, in the midst of a situation in which the wicked have perverted justice.  After detailing the injustice, a main feature of which is violence and worshiping “might,” the prophet proclaims his intention to wait and watch […]

10-27-19 Remember Me


10-27-19 Lk 23:32-43 “Remember Me” (In conversation with Jack Keijo Steele painting) How do we see Jesus’ crucifixion, and what difference does perspective make?  What might it mean to look to the crucifixion from the context and perspective of others who have suffered and are suffering?  What about the perspectives of our own suffering?  How […]