Table Talks tagged with ‘Kindness’

4 Items

Kindness: Kindness in Christ (1/26/14)


Ephesians 2:1-10 Through Jesus Christ we know and experience God’s kindness. We are recipients of a message of grace that offers us newness of life! This is a gift given to us so that we might be created again for good works. How do we receive, cherish, use, and share this kindness from God in […]

Kindness: No Good Deed… (1/19/14)


2 Corinthians 6:1-13 It ain’t easy following Jesus. Paul’s resume sounds like a bad country song, it contains so much adversity. What does it mean to live the love we know through Jesus? How can we survive and thrive in the midst of a world that seems not to accept the gospel? Can we live […]

Kindness: What Happens to Kindness Cul-de-Sacs? (1/12/14)


Book of Jonah (esp. 4:2) Jonah did everything he could think of to keep God’s message from Ninevah. When they finally received the message and repented, Jonah still had no kind thoughts, words, or deeds for the Ninevites. What does it mean when we believe that God’s goodness and mercy end with us? What happens […]

Kindness: The Kind of God We Serve (1/5/14)


Exodus 34:6 There are many versions of God out there: angry God, judging God, exclusive God, vengeful God, happy-go-lucky God, etc. God’s character is proclaimed and revealed repeatedly in the Bible as being compassionately concerned for the lives of people throughout the earth. How are our lives affected by this God? What does it mean […]