Table Talks tagged with ‘February’

4 Items

Generosity: Cheers! (2/23/14)


2 Corinthians 9:6-15 God is abundantly generous, and calls us to lives of abundant, cheerful generosity. Generosity, if it becomes a way of life, is joyful, meaningful, and contagious. The more we live and give in lifestyles of cheerful generosity, the more we will build and sustain relationships of justice and grace. Grateful living and […]

Generosity: Open Hands & Evil Eyes (2/16/14)


Matthew 20:1-16 This story of distributive justice, of generous fairness, seems as hard to take for many of us as it was for the full-day workers in the parable. We try to apply human economics to the economy of grace. What happens when everyone receives enough? Is one human being as valuable as any other? […]

Generosity: Father Gives Best (2/9/14)


Luke 15:11-32 This parable ought to be called the prodigal father, since the parent in the story extravagantly spends and gives. The uncustomary (and for the older brother, unsettling) generosity of the father is the key to understanding this story. Notice both the material AND the relational generosity. We are always longed-for, always loved, always […]

Generosity: A Little Bread (2/2/14)


Genesis 18:1-8 Abraham certainly showed generous hospitality to the 3 men who came to him as he was sitting outside his tent. His modest offer of “a little bread” ended up in a wonderful feast. Hospitality to strangers is a key way we are called to be generous. What would it mean in our lives […]