Pastor Jeff and Herb Smith and the Christian Builders are working together
to present a wonderful learning opportunity for our congregation
on Sunday, November 2 at 9:00AM in the WGCC Chapel.
Have you ever wondered what the villages and towns where Jesus lived and taught looked like? How big were the buildings? What did the land look like? How far apart were the villages? Did you know that there was a large Roman-style town just four miles from Nazareth? What might have Peter’s house and the synagogue in Capernaum looked like? How about the boats in which Jesus and his disciples traveled?
We will be presenting a class entitled, “The Land Where Jesus Lived,” which will include some video and photos and diagrams of the landscapes, buildings, history, and culture of Galilee and Judea during the time of Jesus. Some of our congregation members have visited these sights, and we hope they will join us to add their “eye witness” accounts.
We will present a similar class entitled, “The Birth of Jesus,” on Sunday, December 7, and one entitled, “John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus,” on Sunday, January 4.