St. Louis Pridefest 2015
The 2015 festival will be held on June 26-28 at Soldiers’ Memorial Downtown.
Friday, June 26 – 4:30pm to 11:30pm
Saturday, June 27 – 11am to 9:30pm
Sunday, June 28 – 11am to 7:30pm
(Parade begins at 12 noon)
Webster Groves Christian Church is joining Union Avenue, Community, and Liberation Christian Churches to staff a booth. We need two members from each congregation to
work in two-hour slots on Saturday, June 27, and Sunday, June 28, from 10:30 am to
8 pm.
Sign up at
Indicate that you are from WGCC in the “My Comments” part of the signup.
Questions? See Jeff Moore, CarolynDyess, John Gerdes, John Smith, or Deb Trautman.