How will you be sent this Lent?
We are Spirit filled! So much so, that we know we have Good News to share. How can we share that you ask? By being sent, of course! What better way to be sent than to experience our Mission Partners first hand? All year we have prayed for them, raised funds for them and supported them through volunteer hours and other sharing of talents. Being Sent in Lent allows us to serve our Mission Partners together. Below is a starting list of ways you can put your faith in action by serving together with other members of WGCC. Please take a moment to review the upcoming events and get in where you fit in. Let Beth Damsgaard-Rodriguez know if you would like to serve in any area or have more ideas of ways we can be “Sent in Lent.”
Click here to view the full calendar & more details.
- Room at the Inn: Contact John Pahl (3/27)
- Shepherd’s Center Chores Galore: Contact Daun Hashbarger (3/29)
Provide spring yard work help for area seniors. Meet at Shepherd’s Center. 15 volunteers needed. Registration Deadline is 3/27. - Tour of Daar-ul-Islam Mosque: Contact Beth Damsgaard-Rodriguez (3/30). Registration deadline is 3/28.
- STL Area Foodbank: Contact Devoree Crist (4/1). 7 more volunteers needed.
- Webster Rock Hill Ministries: Contact Diane Mark (4/4 and 4/12 – April Showers Event)
- Food Bank Delivery to MBCC and WRHM: Contact Jeff Moore ( 4/10)