april showers


SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Girl Scouts April Showers 9 am- 4 pm – Fellowship Hall, Webster Groves Christian Church
We have the honor, once again, to host the Girl Scouts “April Showers” event here at WGCC. Each year, the Girl Scouts nationwide encourage neighbors to give hygiene products to help augment local food pantries with essential items not always affordable on a tight budget. By partnering with Webster-Rock Hill Ministries for this event, all items collected in the Kirkwood- Webster area stay here in the neighborhood. So this is, quite literally, neighbor helping neighbor.
Please consider helping us sort and assemble boxes. Volunteers are asked to stay for two hour shifts and are most needed between 12:00pm-2:00pm and 2:00pm-4:00pm. See Beth Damsgaard-Rodriguez for more details about how you and your group can be involved.