Each month we will gather immediately following worship to learn, pray, share, and serve.  These are perfect Sundays to invite and welcome friends, neighbors, co-workers, family members – anyone! We will enjoy lunch along with our learning and growing activities.  All ages are invited and encouraged to participate.  We need everyone to share as we learn and grow as people of God! These events should be inclusive, inviting, well-prepared, and well-advertised and attended.  Mission partner representatives and the wider community can and should be a part of these events and the planning process.

Elements of each month’s gathering should include:

  • Food
  • Bible Story
  • Prayer
  • Music
  • Creative Activities
  • Hands-On Outreach opportunity
  • Take-away information
  • Sending
  • Fun!

 February 22
God sent Jesus: Jesus sends us!  Luke 4:16-30; Isaiah 61:8

Sent in Lent

We know God’s love through Jesus.  In Luke 4 Jesus goes to his home town synagogue and reads from scripture.  He tells everyone what God has called him and sent him to do.  Not everyone was happy when they heard Jesus tell them that he was called to share this mission and vision with others.  Focusing outwardly instead of inwardly can be hard.  How can we grow as a congregation by always remembering and practicing the reality that Jesus sends us to share the Good News with the world?  We exist as a congregation, not for ourselves, but for those we will invite, love, and serve.

Where are we sent?

  • To the oppressed
  • To the broken-hearted
  • To the captives
  • To the prisoners

Why does God send Jesus and why does Jesus send us?  “For I the Lord love justice” (Isaiah 61:8).

During this Lenten season, how are we sent to live and share the Good News?